Celebración de La Palabra/ Celebration of the Word of God

Primera Lectura: Lectura del libro del Profeta Jeremias

El Señor dice: ”Canten de gozo y alegría por el pueblo de Jacob, la principal entre todas las naciones. Hagan oír sus alabanzas y digan: ‘ El Señor salvo a su pueblo, lo que quedaba de Israel.’ Voy a hacerlos volver del país del norte, y a reunirlos del ultimo rincón del mundo. Con ellos vendrán los ciegos y los cojos, las mujeres embarazadas y las que ya dieron a luz; Volverá una enorme multitud! Vendrán orando y llorando. Yo los llevare a corrientes de agua, por un camino llano, donde no tropiece. Pues soy el padre de Israel, y Efrain es mi hijo mayor. “

First Reading: Reading from the book of the Prophet Jeremiah

The Lord says: ” Sing for joy and gladness for the people of Jacob, the foremost among all nations. Making his praises heard and say: ‘ The Lord saved his people, what was left of Israel.’ I am going to bring them back from the northern country, and gather them from the last corner of the world. With them will come the blind and the lame, the pregnant women and those who have already given birth; A huge crowd will return! They will come praying and crying. I will take you to streams of water, on a flat path, where I will not stumble. For I am the father of Israel, and Ephraim is my eldest son. “

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